I often wonder why countries fight each other,why can't they live peacefully? why they are so eager to destroy each other in the name of winning some barren lands and to prove they are right?.This is where I started,the curiosity to know why we fight and why we will continue to do so?
Along with the birth of civilizations, the war was born. To settle disputes,to showcase the might and to gain lands to thrive economy. The peacetime is simply a preparation period for a conflict that might shape in future,countries want their economy to grow so that they can have a modern military equipment,filling the empty stomach has become a second priority. War cannot be stopped,it can only be delayed.
The technology changed how we fight a war. Now it has become easy to wipe out a whole nation with the click of one button. And yet,we are hungry for more,billions of money being poured into developing new weapons that can kill a human more "efficiently". But the good news is in future,the robots might replace humans,and the number of robots killed would be counted instead of humans,provided we didn't start another world war before that.
This blog is dedicated to all defense enthusiasts out there like me. Who want's to know why we fight and what for!, Even though I am an Aircraft mechanic by profession,I don't like discussing the technological aspects,in this blog I would be discussing how geopolitical environments are shaping conflicts and what the future wars would be like. And moreover, I am an Indian,so majority of them would be in Indian perspective. If you want to know more about me or if you have any suggestions for me,you can contact me using the Contact tab on the navigation bar,or you can mail me directly by using any of the options below:
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