Indian and US soldiers stood side by side, with their Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICV) and Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC), and gave a ceremonial salute to the two senior most officers of the US and Indian side reviewing the line up.
The US contingent was represented by Colonel Thomas J Roth, Commander 2nd Engineer Brigade, US Army. Brigadier BS Dhanoa, his Indian counterpart welcomed the US soldiers, and in his inaugural remarks highlighted common beliefs of democracy like freedom, equality and justice that are equally precious to both the countries.
Company strength army personnel from USA and an equal number of Indian soldiers from South Western Command are taking part in the two week long event that will see them hone their tactical and technical skills in a UN peace enforcement scenario. Both sides will jointly plan and execute a series of well developed tactical drills for neutralisation of likely threats that may be encountered in UN peace operations.

Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI watched this Yudh Abhyas 2012 of Indian Army with US Army on NDTV and really glad to read about it. I had been more than 28 yrs with INDIAN ARMY as well I get honor to be in the service of US Forces at IRAQ.
I am really glad and thanks INDIAN Govt for that. Besides that I would also appreciate INDIAN Govt to adapt their other systems also like (a) No Difference between their Officer's and NCO's
(b) No Difference in their Food (DFAC) and messing system as all Officers and NCO eats same food in same mess (DFAC).
Why not Indian Officers learns this lesson of non discremination from them?